Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thanksgiving and other fun stuff

Thanksgiving was really nice. Kim and I spent it with her Dad's side of the family. Grandma made too much wonderful food as is always the case. Yesterday, we did the crazy "Day After Thanksgiving Shopping Thing." It was insane. We got up at 4:30am and got to the Fred Meyer by the 5am opening. There were hundreds of people there already. I was driving the cart and Kim was leading. Unfortunately, we got separated because it was so hard to navigate the shopping cart with all of the people. I thought she went through the "Sock" isle when she actually was going to the Christmas decoration area. They had 1/2 price socks and needless to say I didn't make it out of that area in a short amount of time, nor unscathed. Finally, we made it back together and checked out. By that time it was almost 6am, the time when Target opens. So that is where we headed next and got our tree and some decorations. Following that I dropped Kim off at Jo-Ann Craft Store, while I went to Best Buy. She met me afterwards and we waited in the checkout line at Best Buy for 45 minutes as it wove through the store. Woo Hoo! Although, how often do you get to REALLY check out the vaccuum cleaners, refrigerators, washers, dryers and other large appliances there.

The remainder of the morning and afternoon was spent at home decorating for Christmas listening to Christmas music. It was really quite a lot of fun. This was the first year we have had a tree so it was kind of exciting putting it up and decorating. When we got it we didn't realize that it was pre-lit. That was a nice surprise. We also did some finishing touches on the house as well. The front closet didn't have flooring yet so I cut some linoleum to fit and installed some molding in there and in the bathroom that had gotten "put off."

This morning we met Kim's family at Yuen Lui (pronounced Yen Loo E) for a family portriate. While the pictures were getting ready to view on the computers, we went to Starbucks for a snack, Yum! When Kim and I were comming home she said that I should update my blog. So I am.

Oh, and one more thing, Sons of Dust is playing for church this Sunday and for special music we are playing "In the Light" by DC Talk. It is a great song and I really enjoy playing it.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for listening to Kim and updating your blog - fun to hear about your Thanksgiving and see the photos - nice tree!!

Luke Storer said...

hello Micah,

I just read your most recent entries... It was good to hear from you. Did you do well in your first classes? See you soon.
