Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Home Sick

here I lay so forlorn
sick to my head and not wanting corn
lying in bed trying to rest
laptop blogging to recoup is best

Here is your answer to why I have had a chance to update my blog. I guess it just takes a good bug in my system to knock me out of commission.

Christmas with the Storers

Kim and I had the chance to visit my family in ND for Christmas. We flew out on Christmas day and spent 4 days at my brother, Troy's place just outside of Grand Forks. It was wonderful to see my new niece, Eden. Troy and LaRae were so nice to open their house for everyone to stay. We relaxed, played games, read books, ate great food and just hung out. We had a few extra special meals, like cha sha, Sushi, knephla soup, and strudla. It was so great. John Symonds came too and brought his poker table and chips. We had a few tournaments which was fun but it seemed like the girls were always winning; Kayla, Mom, and Kim each won at least once. Another game that we really enjoyed was Settlers of Catan.

Time Capsule July 2002 - Our ND road trip

This is the first in a series of "Historical Pieces" They will always be labeled "Time Capsule" It gives me a chance to share some of my life pre-blog. I hope you enjoy it.

This is a picture of Kim and I a few years ago when we drove to ND. It was the summer before we got married. It was a whirlwind trip of driving. Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Then back to Washington. This picture was near the end of the trip. In the background is my grandparent's home. Some days I miss the wide openness of ND. Posted by Picasa