Saturday, July 16, 2005

Doors, Floors and Cabinets

Today was another day of working at our house. Greg (the Cabinet Guy) brought the cabinet boxes to the house so I have to show a picture of them. Mike and Lyndsay, Al and Caroline, and Kim and I worked for about half of the day. Greg hung doors, Lydsay, Caroline and Kim painted the doors and closets, Al replaced the electrical hardware, Michael installed lighting and I cut holes in the floor for the vent covers. We got quite a bit done and things are starting to look finished.
In the pictures you can see Al in the kitchen with some of the cabinets. The "office" with part of a new door, the new flooring, and a finished vent hole. The green room is the master bedroom with a new light fixture and a floor that is not cleaned up yet. And the last picture is of me starting to cut a vent hole in the dining room.

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